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a little dip into the world of anabana

Saturday, July 23, 2011

I'm gonna do this!!

Start: 11.9 :(

Ever had the feeling that you have suddenly ballooned?! Don't get me wrong, I don't exactly stuff myself - however my effort in exercise has been pants and for some weeks now I've been kidding myself that if I carry on putting it off and eating the same amount as my fiance who does a grand total of 40 minutes walk to work everyday, I'll lose weight and my arms will be giving Madonna's a run for her money. WRONG! So here I am, about to embark on my Summer Holidays, feeling a bit crap and annoyed with myself for letting it get this far and ready to take on the challenge of disciplining myself, keeping focussed and looking fab by the time I go back to work in September - bring it on!

I've got at least 3 events this Summer I want to look good for. The first, in a week. Now I'm not to panic about this, I'm merely going to be super focussed this week - eat and exercise well and not to let myself down!! Then I have a wedding on the 6th - that's 2 weeks time. I wonder how well I can do for then?! We shall see! Then the main one - my friend's Hen Do mid-August. I must feel confident at this point - particularly due to spending a weekend with lots of healthy fit girls!!

Now, I'm going to bite the bullet and fully admit my personal naughty habits. Number one, I'm able to excuse myself for anything. This stops now. First of all - if at any point I think: "Ah it's only one chocolate" or "It's a special occasion" or even the worst one "Oh I'm doing really well, I'll treat myself" then I must stop immediately and tell myself "Think about how amazing you'll look and one step back will mean two steps extra effort!". Basically, no excuses - I'm doing this for a reason, those let downs are what have caused this problem in the first place!!

So, my plan for the Summer - lose 12 pounds. Simple. I'm 27 now and I'm sick of worrying about weight/flab/wobbly arms. I've decided on a few things that I must stick to: exercise everyday. This includes: Wii Fit, Just Dance, Zumba and walking. Lack of funds mean I won't be gymming it and so I'm going to have to do it on the cheap and cheerful in the comfort of my own home. Perfect.

So here goes, daily and weekly updates here we come. Wish me luck...(slurps Green Tea!)...


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